b'BEFORE THE MOVE: PLAN TO PURGE - DEAL WITH THE DREADARE YOU OVERWHELMED BY ALL THE STUFF IN YOUR HOME?IS IT A CHALLENGE TO FIND THE TIME TO SORT THROUGH ALL YOUVE ACQUIRED?DOES DECIDING WHAT TO KEEP AND WHAT TO LET GO OF CAUSE CONTRADICTION?Where do you even begin? Its clear bundling yourWhats next? Break the supersized task of belongings is exhausting. For most people organizingdejunking your entire house into manageable is a low priority, in part because our lives are so full.sections. My motto: Decide. Divide. Do it. One Add to that, we live in a consumer culture.thing at a time. Just do the next thing. Get in that Combine the two, and you have major congestionmindset: do the next thing. This will help you stay in your home. So, when selling your house is on thefocused and lessen anxiety.horizon, the big purge is a burden. Speaking of mindset, orient yourself towards The good news is deadlines are a part of a real estatecontinuity and perseverance, patience and discipline. transaction. The bad news is deadlines are a part of aThen set your pace. Defining your tempo is important real estate transaction - good because the deadlineso you dont disintegrate. And for now, accept this is will serve as a motivator - bad because a deadlinea season of packing, discarding and repurposing. Its adds anxiety and stress. a season, not an eternity. So, lets go with the good news and get unstuck.Transforming your home from confusion and chaos Think bigger picture. Whats the mission? Movingto order and calm will yield dual, favorable results.into your new home, right? Place a snap shot of yourPotential buyers will sense the peace, and youll dream where youll see it often. Make a mind moviehave greater clarity before the move and again when of you living there. Refer to it when ambition fades.unpacking. So, consider getting organized now to simplify not only your move, but your life.I CAN HELP YOU DECIDE, SAVE TIME, AND LESSEN THE AGGRAVATION. chaos clarityCamille Widder HorineCEO, Chief Enthusiastic Organizerwww.orderandspace.net/717- 917-7787/camille@orderandspace.net'